Post-Installation Configuration & Checkout3-8 560-0982-00 Rev D Apollo CNX80 Installation ManualFigure 3-7 - Baro-Altimeter Calibration3.2.1.5 Com RadioThe Com Radio Setup function is used to modify the RF Squelch and Mic Gain levels. Typical valuesfrom the factory are RF Squelch = 56 and Mic Gain = 255, which are satisfactory for most installations.The RF Squelch value is used by the Com function to control its squelch level. The larger the value that isset the stronger the signal must be in order for the radio to break squelch. To edit the RF Squelch value,press the EDIT RF SQUELCH line select key. Turn the small, inner knob to adjust the squelch value (theRF Squelch value is restricted to a number from 25 to 100). When the desired value is selected, press theMENU/ENTER key or the SAVE RF SQUELCH line select key to save the setting.The microphone gain is used by the Com function to control the microphone pre-amplifier gain. The largerthe value that is set the higher the pre-amplifier gain is. To edit the Mic Gain value press the EDIT MICGAIN line select key. Turn the small, inner knob to adjust the gain value (the Mic Gain value is restrictedto a number from 0 to 255). When the desired value is selected, press the MENU/ENTER key or theSAVE MIC GAIN line select key to save the setting.Figure 3-8 - Com Radio Setup