Installation ProceduresApollo CNX80 Installation Manual 560-0982-00 Rev D 2-25of the navigation source that is selected for the Main CDI output using the CDI bezel key. Since the MainCDI output can be switched between GPS and VOR/ILS, it is not necessary to use these outputs to drivean indicator. It is only necessary if it is desired to have a separate indicator display GPS deviationinformation full-time. This output does not provide superflag outputs, so if superflags are required aconverter box must be used to generate the required signals using the low-level valid flags.Refer to Appendix D for interconnect information. Deviation OutputsP5-45 Aux CDI + LeftP5-46 Aux CDI + RightP5-50 Aux GS + UpP5-51 Aux GS + DownEach deviation output provides ±150 mV full scale and is capable of driving up to a 200Ω load, (i.e. up toa maximum of five 1kΩ loads connected in parallel). TO / FROM OutputP5-47 Aux CDI + TOP5-48 Aux CDI + FROMThe TO / FROM output provides ±250 mV and is capable of driving up to a 200Ω load, (i.e. up to amaximum of five 1kΩ loads connected in parallel). FlagsP5-49 Aux CDI + ValidP5-54 Aux CDI - ValidP5-52 Aux VDI + ValidP5-55 Aux VDI - ValidEach flag output provides +300 mV when valid information is present and is capable of driving up to a200Ω load (i.e. up to a maximum of five 1kΩ loads connected in parallel).2.8.4 C OMPOSITE INDICATORThe CNX80 provides a standard VOR/localizer composite output signal that may be used to drive theleft/right deviation, TO / FROM and valid flag indications of certain navigation indicators that contain aninternal converter. If an external converter is driven from the composite output, the composite output willbe disabled whenever the VOR monitor mode is active or back course localizer mode is enabled. This willcause the external converter to flag.P7-19 Composite OutP7-37 Composite GroundIn the VOR mode, the composite signal output is 0.500 VRMS. In the localizer mode, the composite signaloutput is 0.390 VRMS. This output is capable of driving up to a 1000Ω load.