Vers. No. 4.044 Released: 5/12/20114 Connecting the modules → Q.bloxx A101: Connecting sensors and I/OIMPORTANTVoltages which exceed the admissible limits produce incorrectmeasurement data, because the inputs are protected againstovervoltages and limit the input voltage.Fig. 4-17 A101, measurement of voltage.4.8.2 CurrentA shunt resistance of 50 is integrated into the Q.bloxx ModuleA101 for current measurement. This facilitates the measurementof currents of up to 25 mA. For higher currents use a voltage mea-surement and an external shunt; refer to Section 6.5, Page 118.Fig. 4-18 A101, measurement of current.4.8.3 PotentiometerPotentiometers with resistances between 1 k and 10 k are con-nected in a three-wire configuration.Fig. 4-19 A101, measurement with potentiometers.4.8.4 Resistance, Pt100, Pt1000You can connect resistances and Pt100/1000 probes in two-wireor four-wire circuits. You specify the selected type of circuit dur-ing the module configuration (Type column).Voltages up to 10 V Voltages up to 60 VU3 (+)7 (GND)U1 (+)7 (GND)I3 (+)7 (GND)234