Wall Installation PreparationDUCTWORK, WIRING LOCATIONSDetermine the exact location of the insertsleeve. Mark the exact centerline location.The ceiling structure must be capable ofsupporting the weight of the insert sleeve(appro×imatelg 100 pounds) and anginadvertent user contact loads, l• Measure from the top of the cooking 16"above pencilsurface to the bottom edge of the insert line indicatingsleeve. Add insert sleeve installation height, bottomof hoodMark that location.Use a level to draw a straight horizontalpencil line on the wall.NOTE: House duct should drop to 11-1/2"above bottom edge of insert sleeve.Location of house duct is importantbecause it must align with vent ofdamper plate assemblg.4" liner height30" Min.36" Max,installationheight5-1/2" fromrear wall tocenterlineCeiling ducting:If ductwork will vent straight up to the ceiling:Use a level to draw a centerline straight upto the ceiling.On the ceiling, measure 5-1/2" fromthe back wall to the centerline of an8-!/2" hole.Wall Ducting:If ductwork will vent to the rear:® Use a level to draw a centerline straightup to the ceiling.Measure at least 16" above the pencil linethat indicates the bottom installation height,to the centerline of an 8-1/2" die. duct hole.(Hole meg be elongated for duct elbow.)36" fromfloor tocountertopISide view36" fromfloor tocountertopI IFront viewHOUSE WIRING LOCATION:The junction box is located inside the top leftside of the hood.Wiring should enter the back wall at least15" above the bottom of the insert sleeve,and within 6" of the left side of thecenterline.12
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