Chapter 6. Diagnostics58 PACSystems* RX3i PROFINET IO-Scanner User Manual GFK-2737F6.1 Configuration FaultsIf there are differences between the expected, configured modules and the I/O modules physicallypresent in the PNS rack, and/or differences between the expected and detected slot locations, thePROFINET Scanner indicates those differences back to the PROFINET Controller once a connection isestablished.• If an I/O module is configured, but is not present or operational in the rack, the PNS indicates thedifference to the PROFINET Controller, and the Controller generates an alarm to the CPU. When usedwith a PACSystems CPU, a Loss of Module fault is reported and all point faults corresponding to themissing module will have the Fault Contact on.• If an I/O module is configured but does not match the module present in the designated slot, the PNSindicates the mismatch as part of the configuration sequence and the PNC generates an alarm to theCPU. When used with a PACSystems CPU, a System Configuration Mismatch fault is reported and allpoint faults corresponding to the module will have the Fault Contact on.• If the I/O module configured matches the module installed in the assigned slot, but the module itselfhas submodule options that relate to DIP Switch or jumper settings on the hardware and the physicalsettings do not match the configuration, the PNS indicates a mismatch at the submodule level to thePNC which generates an alarm to the CPU. When used with a PACSystems CPU, a SystemConfiguration Mismatch fault is reported and all point faults corresponding to the affected module willhave the Fault Contact on.• If the physical module matches the configured module, but the configuration for the module isunacceptable, the module itself rejects the configuration and energizes point faults until theconfiguration is corrected. Many modules blink their OK LED in the event they reject the configuration.Refer to Section, RX3i PROFINET Scanner Configuration Validation which specifies the rulesdifferent modules use to validate their configuration.• If an SFP module is configured but a different SFP is present (and that SFP is a supported SFP), the PNSwill allow the installed SFP to become operational. The PNS identifies the difference to the PNC in theconnection messaging sequence, and the PNC generates an alarm to the CPU. The SFP moduleoperates fully as if no difference had been detected. When used with a PACSystems CPU, a ValidModule Substitution fault is reported.• If an I/O module is installed but not included in the PNS configuration, no problem is reported. Themodule is ignored by the PNS and defaults itself.• If an SFP is installed but not included in the PNS configuration, default operation is enabled and active.