Chapter 4. Configuration36 PACSystems* RX3i PROFINET IO-Scanner User Manual GFK-2737F4.1 Configuration OverviewThe RX3i PNS receives its configuration from a connected PROFINET Controller (PNC), which has beenconfigured by a PROFINET configuration tool. The GSDML files required for configuring the PROFINETScanner (PNS) are provided with Proficy Machine Edition. For other PROFINET configuration tools, the PNSGSDML must be imported. The GSDML file for the RX3i PNS can be obtained at GSDML files are also included in all RX3i firmware upgrade kits.Note: For details on using the Proficy Machine Edition PLC Logic Developer programmer to create anddownload the configuration for an RX3i PROFINET network and its IO-Devices, refer to thePACSystems RX3i PROFINET Controller Manual, GFK 2571.4.1.1 Basic Configuration StepsThe basic configuration steps are: Configure a PROFINET I/O Controller and its PROFINET LAN using the I/O Controller manufacturer’srecommended PROFINET I/O configuration tool. Configure the parameters of the PROFINET I/O Controller. Add IO-Devices to the LAN.PROFINET Scanners and other types of IO-Devices use GSDML files to describe their capabilities. ThePROFINET I/O configuration tool imports these GSDML files and incorporates the devices into theconfiguration. Configure the parameters of the RX3i PROFINET Scanner. Configure the communications properties of the PROFINET I/O Controller and RX3i PROFINET Scanner. Add RX3i/Series 90-30 modules to the RX3i PROFINET Scanner. Configure the parameters of the modules. When the configuration is ready, use a DCP tool to assign a Device Name to the RX3i PROFINETScanner so the PROFINET IO-Controller can connect to it and deliver the configuration. Store the configuration data from the configuration tool to the PROFINET I/O Controller.4.1.2 Configuration ToolThe configuration tool used to configure the PROFINET LAN containing the PNS module must supportIO-Devices configured with GSDML V2.3 files.The Proficy Machine Edition PLC Logic Developer programmer is used to create and download theconfiguration for an RX3i PROFINET network and its devices.