Chapter 5. OperationsGFK-2737F December 2016 535.2 I/O Scanning5.2.1 PROFINET Scanner Status and Control DataThe RX3i PNS001 provides 32 bits of input status data and receives 32 bits of output control data.The application program in the control system in which the PROFINET Controller is resident should containcode that will monitor the input status bits from the PNS module. Output Control BitsThe 32 bits of control output assigned to the PNS module are reserved for future use. Input Status BitsThe 32 bits of input status assigned to the PNS module provide information about the scanner. All statusbits are active high. Bit 1 is the least significant bit.Bit # Name Description1 Module OK Indicates the health of the module. A value of 0 indicates the module is powering up orhas failed. A value of 1 indicates the module is functioning properly.2 Reserved Set to 03 Port1 Link Up 1 = port is connected to another device and is communicating.0 = port is not connected to another device, or the port has some sort of errorpreventing communications.4 Port2 Link Up5 Port3 Link Up6 Port4 Link Up7–10 Reserved Set to 011 MRP Enabled Indicates whether MRP has been enabled or not. A value of 0 indicates that MRPis not enabled. A value of 1 indicates that MRP is enabled.12 MRP Role Indicates the MRP role the PNS is operating as when MRP is enabled.A value of 0 indicates that the PNS is currently an MRP Client.A value of 1 indicates that the PNS is currently an MRP Manager, however the PNS does notcurrently support MRP Manager configuration. If MRP is not enabled, then this bit will be setto zero.13–32 Reserved Set to 0