14 49-85251CooktopCARE AND CLEANING: CooktopCooktop SurfaceDo not use oven cleaners, abrasive cleansers, strongliquid cleansers, steel wool, plastic scouring pads, orcleaning powders on the cooktop surface. Clean with aPLOGVRDSDQGZDWHURUDVROXWLRQRIYLQHJDUDQGwater. Rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth.When cleaning surfaces, make sure that they are atroom temperature and not in direct sunlight.Spillage of marinades, fruit juices, tomato sauces andbasting liquids containing acids may cause discolorationand should be wiped up as soon as hot surfaces cool,then clean and rinse.If your model has a stainless steel cooktop surface,refer to the Stainless Steel Surface cleaning instructionsIHDWXUHGLQWKH&RQWURO3DQHODQG.QREVVHFWLRQControl Panel and KnobsWipe the control panel after each use of the oven witha damp cloth. For cleaning, use mild soap and water orDVROXWLRQRIYLQHJDUDQGZDWHU5LQVHZLWKFOHDQZDWHU3ROLVKGU\ZLWKDVRIWFORWKDo not use abrasive cleansers, strong liquid cleansers,plastic scouring pads or oven cleaners on the controlSDQHO²WKH\ZLOOGDPDJHWKHILQLVKStainless Steel Surfaces (on some models)Do not use a steel wool pad; it will scratch the surface.To clean the stainless steel surface, use warm sudsywater or a stainless steel cleaner or polish. Always wipethe surface in the direction of the grain. Follow the cleanerinstructions for cleaning the stainless steel surface.Cleaners with oxalic acid such as Bar Keepers Friend SoftCleanser™ will remove surface rust, tarnish and smallblemishes. Use only a liquid cleanser free of grit and rub inthe direction of the brush lines with a damp, soft sponge.To inquire about purchasing cleaning products includingstainless steel appliance cleaner or polish, see theAccessories and Consumer Support sections at the endof this manual.For easier cleaning, the control knobs may be removedby pulling them directly outwards once the knobs are inthe OFF position. Do not pull knobs up or down or hangobjects on them. This can damage the gas valve shaft.:KHQUHPRYLQJWKHWULULQJ RQVRPHPRGHOV DQGWKHGXDORYDO RQVRPHPRGHOV EXUQHUNQREVUHPHPEHUtheir location. While all other knobs are interchangeable,these knobs must be placed in the same location aftercleaning. See the Surface Burner section for a detailedview of these knobs. The knobs can be washed by handwith soap and water or in a dishwasher.To replace knobs after cleaning, align the hole onthe knob backside with the gas valve shaft and pushinward until the knob is securely fastened. All knobs areinterchangeableSurface burner knobRemoval of Surface Burners for CleaningTurn all controls OFF. Allow cooktop to cool beforeremoving grates and burner parts. When removing theburner caps and heads, remember their size and location.Replace them in the same location after cleaning.Round BurnerRound Burner Cap5HPRYDEOHElectrodeRoundBurnerHead