49-85251 13Oven ExteriorDo not use oven cleaners, abrasive cleansers, strongliquid cleansers, steel wool, plastic scouring pads orcleaning powders on the interior or exterior of the oven.&OHDQZLWKDPLOGVRDSDQGZDWHURUDVROXWLRQRIvinegar and water. Rinse with clean water and dry with asoft cloth. When cleaning surfaces, make sure that theyare at room temperature and not in direct sunlight.Spillage of marinades, fruit juices, tomato sauces andbasting liquids containing acids may cause discolorationand should be wiped up as soon as hot surfaces cool,then clean and rinse.Oven RacksAll oven racks may be cleaned by hand with an abrasivecleaner or steel wool.After cleaning the racks, use a soft cloth or paper towelto rub a small amount of vegetable oil on the left andright edges of the rack. This will ensure the racks areeasy to slide in and out of the ovenOvenCARE AND CLEANING: OvenBe sure all controls are off and all surfaces are cool before cleaning any part of the oven.Oven InteriorThe interior of your new oven can be cleaned manuallyor by using steam clean process.Spillage of marinades, fruit juices, tomato sauces andbasting liquids containing acids may cause discolorationand should be wiped up as soon as hot surfaces cool,then clean and rinse.Manual CleaningDo not use oven cleaners, strong liquid cleansers, steelwool, or scouring pads on the interior of the oven. Forsoils on the oven bottom and other enameled surfaces,use a gentle abrasive containing oxalic acid, such asBar Keepers Friend ®, with a non-scratch sponge. Takecare not to apply any abrasive cleaners or sponges tothe door glass, as it will scratch the reflective coating.The oven interior and door glass may be cleaned usinga soft cloth with a mild soap and water, or vinegar andwater solution. After cleaning, rinse with clean water anddry with a soft cloth.Steam CleaningSteam Cleaning is for cleaning light soil from your oven.To use the Steam Clean feature:1. Start with the oven at room temperature.2. Wipe excess grease and soils from the oven.3RXUFXSRIZDWHURQWRWKHERWWRPRIWKHRYHQ4. Close the door.5. Turn your oven temperature knob to Warm.6HWDWLPHUIRUPLQXWHV:KHQWLPHLVILQLVKturn oven temperature knob to Off.7. Set a timer for 27 minutes to allow oven to cooldown.Do not open the door during the Steam Cleaning. At theend of the cycle, soak up the remaining water, and wipethe moisture-softened soil from the oven walls and door.