www.GEAppliances.comStainless Steel SurfacesDo not use a steel-wool pad; it willscratch the surface.[][]E) ( ) •Shake CEIL_dMA BRYTE b tile well.Place a small an]omit of CEIL_MABRYTE _"St;finless Steel _ ) )liance........ IICleaner on a dampcloth or damppaper t{}wel.[] Clean a small area (ai)proximately8" x 8"), robbing _ath the g_am ofthe stainless steel if applicable.[] D_T and buffwith a clean, {h T papertowel or soft cloth.] ReI)e_lt _{s ne{'ess_li'vkNOTE." It a mineral oil-based stainless steelai)plian{e cleaner has been used betoreto dean the appliance, wash the suda{'ewith dishwashing liquid and water priorto using the CEI,L_/IA BRYTE <')StainlessSteel Appliance (_leanei 2 >dtei" washingthe sire'ace with dishwashing liquidand watei; tlse a generotls ali/Otlnt ofCER>dMA BRYTE <')Stainless SteelAppliance Cleaner to clean theappliance.To Order'.To order CERAMA BRYTE <':StainlessSteel Api)lian{e Cleaner, please callour toll-fi'ee nmnber:National Parts Center 800.626.2002www.GEAppliances.comCERAMABRYTE®StainlessSteel ApplianceCleaner .................... #PM70)(377Do not store a soiled broiler panand grid anywhere in the range.Broiler Pan & GridDo not dean the broiler pan or grid in aself-cleaning oven.Atter broiling, remove the broiler panfl'om the oven. Remove the grid fl'om thepan. Carefully i)om" out the grease fl'omthe pan into a i)roper containe_;Wash andrlnse the bro//erpan and grld /n hotwater with a soap-tiffed or plastic scounw padIf fl}od has burned on, sprinkle the gridwith detergent while hot and cover withwet paper towels or a dishcloth, Soakingthe pan will remove burned-on fi)ods,Both the broiler pan andgrid may be cleaned witha commercial oven cleanerBoth the broiler pan and grid can also be{'leaned in a dishwasher.I Step guideStorage Drawer RemovalTo remove the drawer:[] Pull the drawer out tmfil it stops.[] I,ifl the fl'ont of the drawer tmfil thestops clear the guides.[] Remoxe the {h'awe_;Toreplace the drawer:[] Place the drawer rails on the guides.[] Push the drawer back tmfil it stops.[] i,ift the fl'ont of the drawer andpush back ]mill the stops clear theguides.[] I,ower the fl'ont of the drawer andpush back tmfil it ch)ses.Oven Heating ElementsDo not {lean the broil element. Am' soilwill bm'n off when the element is heated.To clean the area below the bakeelement, gently lilt the element and cleanwith wam_, soapy water:45