Recipes. www.GEAppliances.comYoucan preset up to six temperature/cooking time combinations with this function. You can then bake, convectionbake/roast or speed bake any of these six favorite recipes without choosing settings each time.NOTES:Youcannot program Broil, Defrost, Dehydrate, Warmer, Proof, Speed Broil, Delay Bake or Self-Clean in RECIPES.Youroven will remember FAVORITESthat have been programmed even after a power outage.The cooking time you enter does not include preheat time. The oven will begin to count down the cooking timeafter the oven has completed preheating. At the preheat tone,put your food in the oven.ToProgram a New FAVORITE[] Select RECIPES. [] Use tile nunlber pads to enter tilecooking temperature.[] Select an axailable FAVORITE. Anax filable FAVORITEwill not haxe [] Use tile number pads to enter tilea block heft)re and after it. A cookh N thne. Select fNTfRwhenFAVORITEthat has ah'eady been finished.progranm/ed will ha_e a blockheft)re and after it. For example:IF_¥ORITE 1I.[] Select tile desired cooking mode,Tile a_ailable options are BAKE,CONVECTION(both convecti()n bakemodes and convection roast) andSPEEDBAKE(all speed bakecategories and sul>categories).[][]Tile conu'ol displa} Mll show fileprogTmnmed cooking mode,temperatm'e and time fi)r tileFAVORITE.Select SAVEif tileinfi)rmation displa)'ed is correct.Select STARTto begin cooking withtile recipe that was just saved. If _oudo not want to start tile recipe now,touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad.ToUse a FAVORITE[] Select RECIPES.F_q Select an axailable FAVORITE. Ana\_filable FAVORITEwiII not ha_ea block befi)re and after it. AFAVORITEthat has ah'eadx beenprogranmled will ha_e a ])lockbefbre and after it. For example:mFaVOPJTEIm.[] Tile control display will showthe programmed cooking mode,temperatm'e and time fi)r theFAVORITEselected. Select STARTto begin cooking with the selectedrecipe.ToChange or Replace a FAVORITE[][]Select RECIPES.Select the desired FAVOR/TErecipe._, FAVORITEthat has a]read _, l/ee_l_rog_mm_ed wi]] ]lave a b];>ck[ ,be{ore and a:tter it. For examl:>]e:mFAVORN% II[] The contr(4 dispLQ wi]] showthe l)r°g_mm_ed, cooki_g, mode,tempel:m_re ;rod time {or theFAVORITE. Select REPLACE.[] Select the desired cookim_g mode.The available options are BAKE,CONVECTION(bodl com'ection bakev_odes ;H_d colP,'ectiom_ ]'o_st) amid] Use the )mmber pads to emec thecoo]] Use the mmfl)er pads to entec thecookiilg time, Se]ect ENTERwhel_f_nished emering the cooki[)g time.[][]The comm'o] display will stlo_ theprogl_mm_ed cookiN_g mode,temperatm'e m_d tic,]e {k)r theFAVORITE.Select SAVE if theh#ilrmati(m displayed is correcLSelect STARTto hegira) cookim)g withthe recipe that was il_st saved, I{_oudo m)ot wm)t to stair the recipe _)(>_r,touch the CLEAR/OFFpa(Lcategories :rod suM>catego[%s).33