ge.comc,,jSafety Im/ructions ... ')-5Operating In#ructionsClock and Timer ....... 13Control i,ockout ....... 13Cookware ............ 8, 9Oven .............. 10-20Sabbath Feature ........ 20Self Cleaning ....... 16, 17Special Features ..... 18, 19Surface Units ........ 6, 7Thermostat ........... 15Timed Baking andRoasting .............. 14Care and CleaningControl Panel ......... 92Door ................ 22(;lass Cookmp ...... 25, 26Knobs ............... 21Light Bulb ............ 24Packa_ng Tape ........ 21Racks ................ 23Stainless Smel Surfaces . .21Storage DrawerRemoval ............. 23Vent ................. 21Write the model and serialnumbers here:Mo_l#Serial #You can find them on a labelbehind the open oven dooron the lower left corner of therange flame.Troubleshooting TipsBefbre You CallFor Ser\,ice ........ 27-30Accessories. .......... 33Combiner Support(_onsulllerSupport ...... Back CoverProductRe_stration ....... 31, 39Warranty ............. 35Is9o549-80501 07-07 JR