Selecting typesof cookware.Right!wra_g!Note: Flat-bottomed canners arerequired for glass cooktops.Observe the Following Points in CanningPots tha t exten d bevom) d 1" of th esm'f_ce m_it's circle are m_otrecommended {or most sllrJ_i_cecookim_g. Howeve]; whem_ cam_m_h_gwit]? wate>bath or pressm'e camlel;]arge>diameter pots may be i_sed.This is because 1)oi]im/g watertemperatures (evem/ raider pressure)are m_t ]]armiil] to the cooktopsm'{;_ces sllrrom/(;[im/g tile sm'f;_ce m/its.HOWEVER, DO NOT USE lARGEDIAMETER CANNERS OR OTHERI ARGE DIAMETER POTS FORFR}3NG OR BOILING FOODSOTHER THAN _¢TER. Most syrlq)or stance mixtm'es--and a]] types o{f)'}_m/g--cook at temperatures milchhigher tham/ 1)oi]h/g ware]; Sllchtemperatures coll]de', e]mla]]y harmthe glass cooktop sm'ii_ces.] Be sure the cam/ruler fits over thecem/tel" of th e s m'l_i_ce Iln i t. If VO m"cooktop or its location/ does m/orallow the calmer to be ce]/teredon the sm'fi_ce m/it, ilse smallerdiameter pots for good cam/im/gresll]ts.[] Rememl)er that cam/m/im/gis aprocess that gem/emtes largeamolmts of steam. To avoid bllrm/sf_'om steam or ]]eat, 1)e carefll]NOTE: ff your house has low voltage,canning may take longer than expected,even though directions have beencarefufly foflowed. The process timewill be shortened by.(1) using a pressure canner, and(2) starting with HOTtap water for fastestheating of largo quantifies of wate,:CAU_O_Safe canning requires that harmfulmicroorganisms are destroyed and thatthe jars are sealed completely. Whencanning foods in a water-bath canner,a gentle but steady boil must bemaintained for the required time. Whencanning foods in a pressure canner, thepressure must be maintained for therequired time.After you have adjusted the controls,it is very important to make sure theprescribed boil or pressure levels aremaintained for the required time.[] Fiat-bottomed cam/rulers must bei_sed. Do m/or itse cam/e]'s wit]]fim/ged or rippled 1)otton/s (oflem/_bm/d ira/ e_/ame]ware) becausethey do_/'t make e_/ollgh c{mtactwith the sm'i;_ce m/its a_/(] takea long time to boil water.Since you must make sure to processthe canning jars for the prescribedtime, with no interruption in processingtime, do not can on any cooktopsurface unit ff your canner is not flat.[] ca_/_/i_]g, recipes a_/dproced_res from rei:mtab]esom'ces. Reliable recipes andprocedures are awd]ab]e f_'om thema_/l_fi_ctm'er of veto" caroler;ma_/u{;_ctm'ers o{: glass,jars %rcam/h/g, s_lch as Bail a_/d Kerrblared; a_/d the [ T_/ite(;[ StatesDepartm e_/t of Ag_J c_dmreExtel/si Service.12