Usingthe proof, warmer and warm features.The proofing feature maintains a warm environment useful for rising yeast-leavened products.How to Set the Oven For ProofNOTE: For best results, cover the doughwith acloth or with graased plastlc wrap (the plasticmay need to be anchoredunderneath thecontainer so the ovenfan will not blow it off).[] Place the covered dough in the ovenon rack g or C.[_] Select FEATURES,then MORE, thenPROOFand then START.Tile interior oven lights mm on andremain on dining proofing.Tile pro_Nng feature aummaticallvprovides tile optimum mmperature fin"the proofing process, and theretore doesnot have a mml)eratm'e a(!jusnn ent.[] Set !he KITCHEN TIMER fi,r tileIIllnllIl[llIl I)I'OOJ[ tilIle.[] "_._q/ellproofing is finished, presstile CLEAR/OFFpad.Toavoid lowering the oven temperatureand lengtheningproofing tlYne,do notopen the ovendoor unnecessarilyCheckbread products early to avoidover-proofing.NOTE"Donot usetheproofingmodefor warmingfoodor keeping foodhoL Theproofingoventemperatureisnot hotenoughtohold foodsat safe temperatures.Usethe WARMERfeaturetokeephotfoodwarm.Proofingwill not operatewhenovenis above125°E"OVENTOOHOT"will showin thedisplayHow to Set the Oven For WarmerTile w;mner teatm'e can be acti\:Kedindependently to kee I) hot, cookedfi)o(ls w;mn. This feature is not designedto reheat cold food.To use this teature, select FEATURES,thenWARMER,then START.To Crisp Stale ItemsPlace fl_od in lo_sided dishes or pans.For best results, place tile food items ina single lave_: Do not stack.I,eave them uncovered.Check c_ispness after 20-30 minutes.Add time as needed.IMPORTANTNOTES:Foodshould be kepthotin its cookingcontaineror transferredtoa heat-safeservingdish.Formoistfoods,coverthemwith an oven-safelid oraluminumfoil.Friedor cnsp foods do not need to be covered,but can becometoo dry if warmed for too long.Repeatedopening of the door a//ows the hotak to escape and the food to coolAllow extra t/Ynefor the temperatureinside theoven to stabih2eafter adding items.With large loads it may be necessaryto coversome of the cooked food items.Removeservingspoons,etc.,beforeplacingcontainersin theoven.Do not use plastic containers, lids or p/asticwrap.CAUTION: Plasticcontainers, lids or p/astlc wrapwill melt if placed in the oven. Melted p/astlc maynot be removabfeand b not coveredunder yourwarrant_How to Set the Oven For WarmTile wmm feature (cook and hold)automatically keeps hot cooked foodswam_ for up to 3 horns after a TIMEDBAKE is finished.If tile bloc! befi)re and after WARM arelit, tile feature is ON. If' there are noblocks lit before and after WARM, theflmture is OFF.To turn this teature ONor OFF,select.?4 FEATURES,then MORE,then WARM.