Patient Monitor B105/B125● Your hospital guidelines permitting, all cleaning and disinfection activities canbe carried out at the bedside.● Before drying a surface after wiping it, wait the minimum time required accordingto the substance manufacturer’s instructions.● Visually ensure that no substance residue remains on the equipment.Permitted disinfectantsAbout the following table:● All third party trademarks are property of their respective owners.● Trademark names and product availability may vary in different countries. Consultthe column that lists ingredients to determine if an equivalent disinfectant isavailable in your country.Disinfectant Manufacturer Ingredients Type of disinfectantCleanisept Wipes Dr. Schumacher GmbH Cleanisept solution(7.5%) contains as activeingredients:● Didecyldimethylam-moniumchloride0.25%● Alkylbenzyldimethy-lammoniumchlorid0.25%● Alkylethylben-zyldimethylammo-niumchloride 0.25%Quaternary ammoniumClinell UniversalSanitizing WipesGAMA Healthcare ● Benzalkoniumchloride<0.5%● Didecyl dimethylammonium chloride<0.5%● Polyhexamethylenebiguanide (PHMB)<0.10%Quaternary ammoniumand bisbiguanideClinell Sporicidal Wipes GAMA Healthcare ● Sodium Percarbonate40 to 50%● Citric acid 5 to 10%● Tetra acetyl ethylenediamine 10 to 35%Hydrogen peroxide andperacetic acidCloroxHydrogenPeroxideWipes*Clorox Professional ● Hydrogen Peroxide1.4%● Benzyl alcohol 1 to 5%Hydrogen peroxide40 Cleaning and disinfecting 2110145-001