ApexPro and CARESCAPE TelemetryDisinfectionTelemetry monitoring devicesDisinfection noticesNOTICE COLOR SHIFT. Some plastics may experience a slight changein color over time due to effects of disinfecting agents. Thiseffect is cosmetic and not associated with product safety ornormal function.NOTICE SOFT MATERIALS. The plastics used in this product are porousand may absorb alcohol. Improper use of alcohol basedagents could result in softening, swelling, tackiness, or changein appearance of the soft materials.Disinfection points to note● Always clean before disinfecting.● Always dilute cleaning and disinfectant agents according to their manufacturer’sinstructions. Always consider your hospital guidelines as well.● Use only the permitted substances.● Your hospital guidelines permitting, all cleaning and disinfection activities canbe carried out at the bedside.● Before drying a surface after wiping it, wait the minimum time required accordingto the substance manufacturer’s instructions.● Visually ensure that no substance residue remains on the device.Permitted disinfectantsAbout the following table:● All third party trademarks are property of their respective owners.● Trademark names and product availability may vary by country. Consult thecolumn that lists ingredients to determine if an equivalent disinfectant is availablein your country.Disinfectant Manufacturer Ingredients Type of disinfectantCaviWipes* MetrexResearch,LLC. ● Diisobutylphenoxyethoxyethyldimethyl benzyl ammoniumchloride - 0.28%● Isopropanol 17.20%● Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether(2-Butoxyethanol) 1 to 5%Quaternaryammonium andalcoholCleanisept Wipes Dr. SchumacherGmbHCleanisept solution (7.5%) contains asactive ingredients:● Didecyldimethylammoniumchlo-ride 0.25%● Alkylbenzyldimethylammonium-chlorid 0.25%Quaternaryammonium2110145-001 Cleaning and disinfecting 27