11.3 Receive NASThe Sync ID is used to identify the source share that will send replicated data to thetarget partition. The Sync ID must be identical to the Sync ID of the source share onthe source system.4. Select an Access option:l Locked - The share is not allowed to receive new Directory/File Based Replicationdata.l Unlocked - The share is allowed to receive new Directory/File Replication data.If a share configured for Directory/File Based Replication is locked on thetarget system, synchronization jobs may fail on the source system.5. Click Apply.Unpack QueueUse the Unpack Queue to view Directory/File Replication statistics for data received fromthe source system.To view the Unpack Queue, select a share and click View Unpack Queue (see "UnpackQueue" on page 366).Figure 254: Unpack QueueThe Unpack Queue displays the following information:Barcode The barcode of the file or directory to be replicated.State The replication state of the file or directory.Click Refresh to update the statistics in the Unpack Queue. Click OK to return to theDirectory/File Based page.ETERNUS CS800 366