10.9 System1. Select an option in the Encryption drop-down box:None OST data is not encrypted.Default AES 128 OST data is encrypted using AES 128-bit encryption.Default AES 256 OST data is encrypted using AES 256-bit encryption.TLS with AES 256 OST data is encrypted using AES 256-bit encryptionwith Transport Layer Security (TLS).AES encryption options are available only if the Data-in-Flight license isinstalled.2. If you selected the TLS with AES 256 encryption option, you must install the requiredcertificate and key files on the ETERNUS CS800:l Certificate Filel Private Key Filel Certificate Authority Filel Rejection List FileThe certificate and key files installed on the ETERNUS CS800 system must match thefiles on the OST media server. For more information on certificate and key files, see theOST Plug-in Installation Instructions (6-67074).CAUTION!To install a file, click the Browse button to browse the system and locate the file,and then click Open.You can install new certificate and key files at any time, as long as there areno active network connections between the OST media server and theETERNUS CS800.3. Click Apply.To clear all changes without saving them, click Reset. To remove userinstalled certificate and key files, click Restore Factory Defaults.Login SessionThe Login Session page allows you to specify the inactivity timeout for the ETERNUS CS800remote management console. The default timeout is 30 minutes.When the remote management console is inactive for the specified period of time, the useris automatically logged off and must log back on to continue (see "Remote Management"on page 122).To access the Login Session page, on the Security page, click Login Session (see "LoginSession Page" on page 329).ETERNUS CS800 328