10.5 Replication ConfigurationAdditional Informationl For more information about data replication, or to perform data replication, see"Replication" on page 340.l If the ETERNUS CS800 is configured as a replication target and replication is performedacross a public network, with the source and target located behind NAT-enabledrouters, you must specify a NAT IP address for the ETERNUS CS800 on the Networkpage (see "Configuring Interface IP Addresses" on page 299).To access the Replication Configuration page, click the Configuration menu, and then clickthe Replication tab (see "Replication Configuration Page" on page 252).Figure 176: Replication Configuration PageTasksUse the Replication Configuration page to perform the following tasks:l View information about configured replication target systems (see "Target System List"on page 253).l Add, edit, or delete a replication target (see "Adding a Replication Target" on page253,"Editing a Replication Target" on page 255, or "Deleting a Replication Target" onpage 257).l Pause or resume replication to a target (see "Pausing or Resuming Replication to aTarget" on page 257).l Configure a constant replication throttle (see "Enabling System Throttling" on page257).l View information about allowed replication source systems (see "Source ETERNUSCS800 List" on page 258).l Add or delete an allowed replication source (see "Adding a Replication Source" onpage 259 or "Deleting a Replication Source" on page 260).l Specify the maximum number of received snapshots to retain for each source (see"Changing the Maximum Number of Snapshots" on page 260).ETERNUS CS800 252