Chapter 77-5F-7-57.1.3 Details of Service Mode 0013-2120This section provides details of the Service mode menus.a) DISPLAYDisplays and prints the printer information.1) PRINF INFPrints adjustment values in the User menu an all of DISPLAY and COUNTER parameters on A4-size or lager paper.When a roll media is used, the layout is optimized according to the media width in order to save paper.2) SYSTEMDisplays the printer information shown below. T-7-13) HEADDisplays the following EEPROM information in the printhead. T-7-24) INKDisplays the numbers of days passed since installation of the following ink tanks.If any ink tank that does not allow the printer to count the number of days passed is installed, an error message is displayed.T-7-3Display Description UnitS/N Serial number of printer -TYPE Type setting on main controller PCB* iPF5000 is represented by 17.-LF TYPE Feed roller type 0 or 1TMP Ambient temperature CSIZE LF Detected size of loaded media (feed direction)0 is always detected for the roll CR Detected size of loaded media (carriage direction) mm/inchDisplay DescriptionS/N R Serial number of printhead RS/N L Serial number of printhead LLOT R Lot number of printhead RLOT L Lot number of printhead LDisplay Description UnitBK Number of days passed since the BK ink tank was installed Day(s)MBK Number of days passed since the MBK ink tank was installed Day(s)SETTINGPthONOFFRTCDATETIMEINITIALIZEWARNINGERRORADJUSTW-INKCARRIAGEPURGEINK-USE CNTCUTTER-CHG CNTW-INK CHG CNTHEAD-CHG CNTPARTS-CHG CNTPARTS A1PARTS B1PARTS DPARTS V1PARTS COUNTERPARTS A1PARTS B1PARTS DPARTS V1(COUNTER)