Routine Cleaning 9-111 Clean the platen glass and the platen glass cover with a clothdampened with water, and wipe them with a soft and dry cloth.Feeder CleaningWhen scanning the original using the feeder, some streaked lines which do notexist on the original may appear on the output.If your originals have black streaks or appear dirty after copying them using thefeeder, this may be caused by pencil writing rubbing off the originals and onto theroller. Perform this feeder cleaning procedure to clean the feeder scanning area,film, and roller.If such lines appear, the original scanning area of the feeder may be dirty.Follow the procedure described below to clean the original scanning area of thefeeder.IMPORTANTIf the feeder scanning area is dirty, it may result in a paper jam or blemished print output.Clean the roller while spinning it.The world’s coral reefs, wherebrilliantly colored fish and amyriad of other tropical creaturescome together. Aptly nicknamed“Tropical Forests under the sea”,these spots of breathtakingbeauty serve as home tocountless varieties of life, and tous of the land, this alluring,dream-like world forms a tropicalparadise filled with romance.RESORT PLAN RESORT PLANThe world’s coral reefs, wherebrilliantly colored fish and amyriad of other tropical creaturescome together. Aptly nicknamed“Tropical Forests under the sea”,these spots of breathtakingbeauty serve as home tocountless varieties of life, and tous of the land, this alluring,dream-like world forms a tropicalparadise filled with romance.Maintenance9