Overview of Viewer1376 Admin Viewer/VB Viewer[Administrator]This user is given all authorities. The user name is fixedto “root”.The Administrator can launch the Admin Viewer or theVB Viewer from the [Admin Viewer] link or [VB Viewer]link, respectively, on the top page.[Authorized User]Authorized users can launch the Admin Viewer fromthe [Admin Viewer] link on the top page if they haveprivileged camera control. Authorized users can nolonger launch the Admin Viewer upon losing privilegedcamera control. However, they can still launch the VBViewer. Launching the VB Viewer can be prohibited bydisabling all authorities of a given authorized user(p. 75).[Guest User]This user can only use the following functions:Backlight compensation, snapshots, image display,audio distributionPan/tilt/zoom camera controlDigital PTZGuest users can launch the VB Viewer from the [VBViewer] link on the top page. The Administrator cancompletely prohibit all camera access from guest usersby disabling all their authorities.Note• The factory default setting gives privileged camera control to[Authorized User] as well.• If all guest user authorities are disabled, the userauthentication dialog box will appear when the VB Viewer islaunched. When an authorized user or administrator name andpassword are entered, the VB Viewer can be used withauthorized user or administrator authorities, respectively.Important• Only the [Administrator] can transmit audio from the viewer.• At any time, the [Administrator] can launch the Admin Viewerto override the camera control privileges of another instanceof the Admin Viewer launched by an [Authorized User]. TheAdministrator can retain the camera control privileges, butdoing so prevents authorized users from obtaining cameracontrol privileges. After viewing the necessary information,the Administrator should always close the viewer or click[Obtain/Release Camera Control] to release the controlprivileges.• The Admin Viewer launched by the [Administrator] can accessonly one camera at a time. While administrator authorities areused to access the camera from a given PC, access withadministrator authorities from other PCs will be not be granted.In contrast, the camera can be accessed simultaneously bymultiple instances of the Admin Viewer launched by[Authorized Users] from different PCs. Take note, however,that when controlling the camera, the control privileges aregiven to the user who accessed the camera most recently.