Things toRememberMasteringthe BasicsMore AdvancedTechniques Appendices40Table of ContentsImage ManagementChanging File Names in BatchesYou can change the file names of multiple images in one procedure.Name + NumberShooting Date + NumberName + Shooting Date + NumberShooting Date + Name + NumberChange randomlynumbered imagesand received imagesinto consecutivelynumbered images.xxx_01 xxx_02 xxx_03 xxx_04 xxx_05Procedures1 Select a task from the leftside of the window:[View & Classify] and[Rename Multiple Files].• You can change individual file and foldernames by clicking the [File] menu andselecting [Rename] or by clicking on thefile name in Preview mode.• Changing the image name inZoomBrowser EX also changes the actualfile name on the disk.Sorting Images into Folders by Shooting DateYou can sort images into folders by their shooting dates.Images predating your useof ZoomBrowser EX canalso be managed together.Procedures1 Select a task from the leftside of the window:[View & Classify] and[Classify into Folder].200x/05/15200x/05/16200x/05/17