Things toRememberMasteringthe BasicsMore AdvancedTechniques Appendices6Table of ContentsHINTUse the Help FunctionThe (Help) button or Help menu is available in most CameraWindow and ZoomBrowser EX windows. Itis there for when you are unsure how to proceed.CameraWindow and ZoomBrowser EXCameraWindow and ZoomBrowser EXThe following two windows are the main ones used for CameraWindow andZoomBrowser EX procedures.CameraWindowThis is software that communicateswith the camera.You can use it to transfer imagesto and from the camera, organizeimages on the camera, and uploadmovies on the camera to webservices.The menu screen at the rightwill appear when the camera isconnected to a computer.ZoomBrowser EXThis is software that managesimages transferred to a computer.You can use it to view, edit andprint images on a computer. Ifyou close CameraWindow aftertransferring images, the window atthe right will appear.You can also open thewindow by double-clicking the icon on thedesktop.After the images are transferred from the camera,the screen changes when CameraWindow is closed.