Things toRememberMasteringthe BasicsMore AdvancedTechniques Appendices2Table of ContentsAbout this ManualNotation ConventionsThe contents of this manual are classified according to the following symbols.IMPORTANT• The “Important” sections contain operating precautions or important topics.Ensure that you read them.HINT• The “Hint” sections contain procedural suggestions and tips for your convenience. Read them asnecessary.Operating Environment• This manual uses Windows Vista screen shots and procedures in the explanations.The screen shots and procedures may appear slightly different if you are usinganother version of Windows.• The displayed screens and procedures may also differ slightly from the examplesdepending upon the camera or printer model in use.• The explanations in this guide are based on the premise that a Canon compactdigital camera will be used with the software.• Some functions may not be available depending on the camera model.Word SearchesThis document is provided as an Adobe Reader document. Use Adobe Reader’s Searchfunctions to find specific words or phrases that you recall but cannot find. To accessthis function, in Adobe Reader click the [Edit] menu and select the [Search] option.If you are using Adobe Reader 8 or later, you can also perform searches with the [Find]function right on the toolbar.Input search text here