ENGLISH1234Press the Setup button.Enter the access point name/network name (SSID) and security setting (WEP, WPA,etc.) on the machine directly.Follow the procedure below.Entering the Access Point's Wireless LAN Settings Directly on theMachineUse the [ or ] button to select Wireless LAN setup,then press the OK button.Use the { or } button to select Yes, then press theOK button.When wireless connection is enabled, the Wi-Fi lamp lightsblue.•ActionTo delete a character, move the cursor to the target character using the [ or ] button, then press theright FUNCTION button (D).•To insert a space, move the cursor to the target position using the [ or ] button, then press the leftFUNCTION button (C).•To insert characters, move the cursor to the character on the right of the target position using the [ or] button, then enter characters.•To enter characters assigned to the same key successively (e.g., enter "N" then "O"), press the ]button (B) to move the cursor by one character to the right first.•Button Numeric mode 123 Upper case mode ABC Lower case mode abc1 12 2 ABC abc3 3 DEF def4 4 GHI ghi5 5 JKL jkl6 6 MNO mno7 7 PQRS pqrs8 8 TUV tuv9 9 WXYZ wxyz0 0# - . SP # ! ″ , ; : ^ ` _ = / | ´ ? $ @ % & + ( ) [ ] { } < > \ ~Each time you press this button, the entry mode changes between numeric mode 123, uppercase mode ABC and lower case mode abc.SP: Indicates a single space.Select Other setup, then press the OK button.