120Resetting the File NumbersYou can select the way file numbers are assigned.OnThe file numbers are reset to the start (100-0001) each time a new CFcard is inserted. New images recorded on CF cards with existing filesare assigned the next available number.Off The file number of the last image to be shot is memorized so thatimages recorded to a new CF card start from the next number.1 In the [ (Set up)] menu, select[File No. Reset].z See Selecting Menus and Settings(p. 44).2 Select [On] or [Off] and press theMENU button.z Setting the [File No. Reset] to [Off] is useful for avoiding filename duplication when images are downloaded to a computer.About File and Folder NumbersImages are assigned file numbers from 0001 to 9900, and foldersare assigned folder numbers from 100 to 998 (folder numberscannot contain 99 in the last two digits).CANONCANONCANONCANONDCIMFolder numbers cannot contain 99 in the last two digits.