4–7COPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)MECHANICAL SYSTEM4. Routing the Scanner CableCaution:You must keep the mirror positioning tool (FY9-3009) and the pulley clip (FY9-3010) near athand when routing the scanner cable.Assemble the mirror positioning tool accordingto “Assembling the Mirror Positioning Tool” inadvance.Figure 4-2101) As in q, put the steel ball into the hole in thepulley; then, wind the cable four times towardthe flange and nine times in the opposite direc-tion. Thereafter, fix the cable using the pulleyclip.2) As in w, set the mirror positioning tool betweenthe No. 1 mirror mount and the No. 2 mirrormount.3) As in e, loosen the screw on the mirror pulleymount, and temporarily fix it on the left stay.4) As illustrated, route the scanning cable; hook ton the side plate, and hook i on the tensionplate of the lens mount.5) Tighten the screw loosened in e to fix it on theleft stay.6) As in !0, loosen the set screw once so that thetension on the scanner cable is even through-out; then, tighten the set screw.7) As in !1, fix the No. 1 mirror mount and thescanner cable fixing in place.8) As in o, adjust the cable spring using a ruler sothat its length is 34 ±1 mm.AABBDownload service manual and resetter printer at http://printer1.blogspot.com