3–29OPERATIONS AND TIMINGCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)2. Lens Motor Drive CircuitThe lens motor (M3) is a stepping motor and isrotated by the drive power supply signal LNSCA/LNSCB and pulse signals LNSA/LNSA* and LNSB/LNSB*.When the lens motor is rotating, the motor isbeing driven by 34 V to move the lens.Whenever the lens motor is at rest, 5 V is appliedto the motor to ensure that the lens is kept at theappropriate position.a. Lens Motor at Rest• LNSCA=0LNSCB=0The motor drive voltage switching circuitswitches to 5 V.5 V is supplied to keep the motor at rest.In this condition, the motor is kept stationary bykeeping LNSA, LNSA*, LNSB, and LNSB* all ‘0’.b. Lens Motor in Operation• LNSCA=1LNSCB=1The motor driver voltage switching circuitswitches to 34 V.34 V is supplied to the motor.In this condition, the motor rotates when pulsesare applied to each phase in a specific sequence.>>>>Figure 3-20334V 5VLNSCBLNSCALNSALNSA*LNSBLNSB*J 324B- 1- 4- 5- 6- 2- 3M3DC controller PCBMicroprocessor Motor drive voltageswitching circuitLens motor(Q301)Download service manual and resetter printer at http://printer1.blogspot.com