GENERAL DESCRIPTIONCOPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP6621 REV.0 FEB. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 1–5Reproduction ratioDIRECT 1: 1 (±0.5%)1: 0.500 (+1.0%)REDUCE 1: 0.707 (+1.0%)1: 2.000 (+1.0%)ENLARGE 1: 1.414 (+1.0%)Copy sizeA3 (297 × 420)A4 (210 × 297)A5 (148 × 210)B4 (257 × 364)B5 (182 × 257)A4R (297 × 210)A5R (210 × 148)B5R (257 × 182)A3 → A5RA3 → A4RB4 → B5RA5R → A3A4R → A3B5R → B41121211221161818201517121214Q’tyTable 1-202 Copying SpeedsSpecifications subject to change without notice.B. Cassette Feeding Module-B2/Cassette Feeding Module-A2/Cassette Feeding Unit-K1Same as copier.Same as copier34 VDC, 24 V, 5 V (supplied by copier)Cassette Feeding Module-B2: 585 × 622 × 105/23.0 × 24.5 × 4.1Cassette Feeding Module-A2: 585 × 622 × 210/23.0 × 24.5 × 8.3Cassette Feeding Unit-KI: 585 × 622 × 384/23.0 × 24.5 × 15.1Cassette Feeding Module-B2: 9 kg/19.8 lbCassette Feeding Module-A2: 16 kg/32.3 lbCassette Feeding Unit-KI: 29.6 kg/65.3 lbCopy paper typeCassette specificationsPower supplyDimensions (WxDxH; mm/in)WeightTable 1-203Download service manual and resetter printer at