CHAPTER 4 IMAGE FORMATION SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6317 REV.0 APR. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)4-16VII.BLANKINGA. OutlineThe area of the drum between the tailing edge of one copy and the leading edge of the nextwould normally act as an all-black area and attract toner if a preventive measure were not taken.This measure is to switch the primary corona OFF and the primary corona assembly grid bias ON.When the copy (cassette) size is a non-default size or when the copier is in the REDUCE mode,the light from the pre-exposure lamp is directed to the photosensitive drum by way of the reflectingplate to prevent adhesion of toner; the blank exposure shutter is moved to open the exposure slitmaking use of the movement of the lens.