CHAPTER 8 INSTALLATIONCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6317 REV.0 APR. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 8-7E. Checking the ImageWhen all above work is finished, install the options (ADF-A1, MS-A1, Stapler Sorter-D3, andControl Card V), if any, and the document holder.n Points to Note for Photosensitive Drum After InstallationThe photosensitive drum is susceptible to light and, if exposed to light, can cause white spotsor black lines on the copy image; take note of the following:• Limit the removal of jams within five minutes; and• Keep the drum wrapped in the light-blocking sheet (from drum unit) or fresh copy paper andplace it in a dark place whenever it is removed from the copier.Do not touch the drum; if its surface is soiled, wipe off the dirt using a flannel cloth coated withtoner. Do not use paper, lint-free or otherwise, or never use a dry cloth or solvent.WorkPlace the Test Sheet on the copyboard, andcheck the image.Feed paper in the manual mode.Clean up the area around the copier, and fillout the Service Sheet.RemarksCheck that copies are made without a prob-lem and the non-image width along theleading edge is correct; otherwise, makeadjustments.Non-image width:2.0mm (approx.) for leading edge2.5mm (approx.) on left/right sideMake two-sided and overlay copies, andcheck that the operation is correct; otherwise,make adjustments.Step123