CHAPTER 4 IMAGE FORMATION SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6317 REV.0 APR. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)4-12C. Reading the Output of the AE SensorThe AE sensor consists of a photodiode (Q702) and an operational amplifier (Q701). If thestrength of light striking the photodiode is high, the output voltage (AE) of the amplifier will besmall. If the amount of light is small, the output voltage will be large.The DC controller reads the output at a certain time after the zero-cross signal (ZXDP) isreceived from the DC power supply.The data representing the adjusted AE reference/slope values are written to EEPROM when'C0' or 'C1' is used in the service mode.Figure 4-502DC controller PCBEEPROMQ315AEJ700-2Q70124VQ70224VJ312-11AEGINJ700-1 J312-10 VR301ZXDP AC driver/DC powersupplyPCBMicroprocessorAE sensor PCB