CHAPTER 10 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6317 REV.0 APR. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 10-612. WrinklesAction1.Check the pick-up as-sembly.2.Check the registrationrollers.The paper may be ab-sorbing moisture. In-struct the user in the cor-rect paper storagemethod.Clean the paper guidewith MEK.Adjust the height of thepaper guide.Adjust the nip width.Replace the upper andlower fixing rollers (bothat the same time).ResultYesYesYesNoNoYesCheckSwitch the power OFF while the copypaper is passing along the feeder. Arethere any wrinkles in the copy paper atthis point? Is the paper skewed?Does the trouble disappear when newcopy paper is used?Is any foreign matter such as toner ad-hering to the paper guide?Is the height of the paper guide cor-rect?Is the roller pressure (nip width) withinthe standard?Procedure12345Cause/ProblemareaPick-up assemblyCopy paperFixing assemblyPaper guideRollerpressureUpper andlower fixingrollers