CHAPTER 10 TROUBLESHOOTINGCOPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON NP6317 REV.0 APR. 1999 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 10-593. Jamming in the fixing and paper delivery assembly area4. Jamming around the drum cleaning unit areaAction1.Replace the separationclaws.2.If the separation clawsare dirty, clean themwith MEK.Replace the upper andlower fixing rollers (bothat the same time).Clean the paper guideplate with MEK.Adjust the height of thepaper guide plate.Adjust the nip width.Adjust the arm so that itmoves smoothly.Replace the delivery pa-per sensor (Q5).Check the delivery rollerdrive assembly.Check if there is a lead-ing edge blank area (10±1.5 mm) on the leadingedge of the copy paper.ResultYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoYesCheckAre the separation claws worn or de-formed?Is the upper or lower fixing roller de-formed or scratched?Is toner, etc., adhering to the paperguide?Is the height of the paper guide platecorrect?Is the roller pressure (nip width) withinthe standard?Does the delivery sensor arm movesmoothly?Is the delivery paper sensor correctly(See p. 2-10.)Procedure12345678Cause/ProblemareaDelivery assem-bly separationclawsFixing assembly Delivery assembly Upper andlower fixingrollersPaper guideplateNip widthDelivery pa-per sensorarmDeliverypaper sensor(Q5)Deliveryroller driveassemblyLeading edgeblank areaActionExplain to the user thatthin paper is likely tojam.Instruct the user to re-move curling from thecopy paper before usingit.Check if voltage is beingsupplied to the staticcharge eliminator.ResultYesYesNoCheckDoes jamming occur when thin paper isused?Did a jam occur when a 2-sided or overlaycopy was being made?Procedure12Cause/ProblemareaCopy paperStatic chargeeliminator,High-voltagetransformer