If necessary, click Specify..., specify the following settings in the Tiling/Poster Printing dialog box,and then click OK.Image DivisionsSelect the number of divisions (vertical x horizontal).As the number of divisions increases, the number of sheets used for printing increases. If you arepasting pages together to create a poster, increasing the number of divisions allows you to createa larger poster.Print "Cut/Paste" in marginsTo leave out words "Cut" and "Paste", uncheck this check box.Note• This feature may be unavailable when certain printer drivers or operating environments areused.Print "Cut/Paste" lines in marginsTo leave out cut lines, uncheck this check box.Print page rangeSpecifies the printing range. Select All under normal circumstances.To reprint only a specific page, select Pages and enter the page number you want to print. Tospecify multiple pages, enter the page numbers by separating them with commas or by entering ahyphen between the page numbers.Note• You can also specify the print range by clicking the pages in the settings preview.5. Complete the setupClick OK on the Page Setup tab.When you execute print, the document will be divided into several pages during printing.Printing Only Specific PagesIf ink becomes faint or runs out during printing, you can reprint only the specific pages by following theprocedure below:1. Set the print rangeIn the settings preview on the left of the Page Setup tab, click the pages that do not need to beprinted.The pages that were clicked are deleted, and only the pages to be printed are displayed.379