3-3LASER CLASS 1060P Chapter 3: Assembly and Disassembly1.3 Product-Inherent CautionsLaser LightDo not perform any tasks outside the scope of work indicated in the manual. (If exposed to laser light, theretina of the eye can permanently be damaged.) Further, the laser scanner unit must not be disassembled ormodified under any circumstances.Handling of the Transfer Charging RollerThe presence of oils or the like on the sponge portion of the transfer charging roller leads to faults in theprinter. Do not hold the transfer charging roller by its sponge portion during service work.Handling the the Fixing UnitThe presence of oils or the like on the surface of the pressure roller or the fixing film found inside the fixingunit can cause fixing faults or jams. Do not hold the pressure roller during service work.1.4 Action in the Event of Abnormality (All Clear)In the event of extreme noise or shock, etc., in very rare cases, the display may go out, and all the keys becomeinoperable. In that case, perform an All Clear. This operation returns all values and settings to their defaultsettings. However, as all settings, such as received images and user data, service data, etc., will be re-initialised,be sure to note down any settings that you will need to re-enter later.Figure 3-1 All Clear OperationWhile waiting to return to the ready state after executing “All clear”, please do not pressthe Stop button. Doing so may cause a malfunction afterwards.Data Registration # Selects#8 CLEAR #8 CLEAR SetSelectsALL ALL Set ExecuteAll clear Standby