1-13LASER CLASS 1060P Chapter 1: General DescriptionEncoding/Decoding the DataIn USB, data transfer lines are ultimately encoded with NRZI (Non Return to Zero Invert) method. Whenthe original data bit is 0, sent data bits are inverted; when the original data bit is 1, the value is retained.However, if the level of the transferred data remain unchanged for a certain period of time, the receivingside may not be able to synchronize with the data sample position, which will result in data bits being outof phase. This is prevented by a method called bit stuffing; when data bit 1 is repeated 6 times, one 0 bitis added to the original data before encoded with NRZI.Figure 1-5 NRZI2.7.3 Supported SoftwareThe following table shows the relationship between available drivers and the interfaces for this model.LASER CLASS 1060P SuiteParallel I/F USB I/FWindows 95/98 fully conditionallysupported supported*Windows NT 4.0 fully notsupported supportedWindows 2000 fully fullysupported supportedWindows Me support is scheduled support is scheduledby way of upgrading by way of upgrading*: Support for USB is provided, and the operation is guaranteed, with Windows98 computers.Windows DriversWin95.98 LBP Printer Driver (IEEE 1284 compatible 8-bit parallel & USB supported)WinNT4.0 LBP Printer Driver (IEEE 1284 compatible 8-bit parrallel supported)Win2000 LBP Printer Driver (IEEE 1284 compatible 8-bit parallel & USB supported)IdleIdleNRZI0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0Data