Operation Panel1-4Introduction1Operation Panela In Use/MemoryLights green during copying or when the copy jobis stored in the memory.b COPY keySwitches the standby display to the Copy mode.c FAX keySwitches the standby display to the Fax mode.d SCAN keySwitches the standby display to the Scan mode.e Alarm indicatorFlashes red when the machine has a problemsuch as a paper jam. (The error message isdisplayed in the LCD.)f Enlarge/Reduce keySets an enlargement or reduction ratio of thecopy.g Exposure keyAdjusts the copy exposure.h Image Quality keyAdjusts the quality of copies.i Collate keySorts copies in order of pages.j Energy Saver keySets or cancels the energy saver mode manually.The key lights green when the energy saver modeis set, and goes off when the mode is canceled.k Paper Select keySelects the paper feeding location (cassette ormulti-purpose tray).l Status Monitor keyChecks the status of copy, fax, print and reportjobs.m LCDDisplays messages and prompts duringoperation. Also displays selections, text, andnumbers when specifying settings.n B&W Start keyStarts B&W copying.o Color Start keyStarts color copying.p Stop/Reset keyCancels copying and other operations, andreturns to the standby display.q Set keySets or registers the contents you select.r [((-)] or [)(+)] keysScroll through the selections so you can seeother settings.s Menu keyCustomizes the way your machine operates.t Numeric keysEnter copy quantity and other numerical values.Set31 24 5 67 80ABC DEFGHI JKL MNOPQRSTONETUV WXYZSYMBOLS901 02 03 04 0506 07 08 09 10o sCoded DialDirectory HookIn Use/Memory FAX SCANCOPYMenuAlarmExposureEnlarge/ReduceImageQuality CollateEnergy SaverStatus MonitorPaper SelcetB&W Start Color Start Stop/ResettRedia/Pauserqpnmlka b c d e f g h i j