Paper Drawers 1-51Routine MaintenancePaper drawer Right and Left hold approximately 1250 sheets of paper (17 lb bond (64 g/m2)) or 1100 sheets of paper (20 lb bond (80g/m2)).Paper drawer 3 and 4 hold approximately 680 sheets of paper (17 lb bond (64 g/m2)) or 550 sheets of paper (20 lb bond (80 g/m2)).If there are instructions on the package of paper about which side of the paper to load, follow those instructions.When the paper is loaded into the paper drawer, the side facing down is the one printed on.If problems occur, such as poor print quality or paper jams, try turning the paper stack over, and reload it.For more information on the print direction of preprinted paper (paper which has logos or patterns already printed on it), see Chapter16, "Appendix," inGetting Started.5 Gently push the paper drawer back into the machine until it clicks into place in the closed positionWhen returning the paper drawer to its original position, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result inpersonal injuryYou will not be able to make copies or print if you load paper that exceeds the loading limit, or if the paper drawer is not completelypushed into the machine. Always check that the paper drawers are in place, and that the paper does not exceed the loading limit.If paper runs out during copying or printing, load a new paper stack, and follow the instructions on the touch panel display. Themachine automatically restarts, and produces the remaining copies or prints.••••••