34PrintingPaper and Other Print Media• Always handle paper and special print media by the edges, and avoid touchingthe print surfaces of the sheets. If the print surface is soiled or scratched, theprint quality will deteriorate.• Always store unused paper and special print media in its original package. Donot bend the media. Store the package flat, in a cool location that is not exposedto high temperatures, high humidity, or direct sunlight.• Do not use media that is excessively curled, creased, or in any other waydefective. If the media is curled, you may be able to remove the curl by bendingthe media in the opposite direction before loading it in the printer.After printing, do not allow any moisture to contact the printed surface.0.2 in.To straighten curled media,bend it through an arc of0.2 inches (5 mm) in thedirection opposite the curluntil it is straight.Make sure thatenvelopes are notcurled more than0.2 in. (5 mm).Hold the edges of thestack diagonally andbend gently.Note