414 Calyx SoftwareMarketing toolsCustomizing manuallyWhen you select the Customize Payment Schedule check box, the grayed-out fields in thePayment Schedule section of the Amortization Schedule screen enable for editing.1 In the payment fields, adjust the number of payments, the interest rates, or themonthly payment amounts.2 Click the Calculate button to recalculate the amortization figures.Printing an amortization scheduleTo print an amortization schedule:1 Open a prospect or borrower file.2 Select File > Print.3 In the Borrower Forms dialog box, select the Amortization Schedule.4 Click Print.5 In the Amortization Print Options dialog box, specify the number of years to print,and the number of months to print.6 For a running total of the amounts to print, click Yes next to Cumulative.7 Click OK.Cash-to-close statementsThe Cash-to-Close screen produces a statement that follows the format of the Details ofTransaction section in the Loan Application and shows the prospect or borrower theamount of cash needed to close a loan.TipTo manually enter values in the Cash-to-Close screen, click the lock boxnext to the corresponding field to unlock the field.