82 Calyx SoftwareLoan file overview6 Click OK to confirm.The loans are linked and data is synchronized between the two. The first and secondloan toggle buttons are added to the shortcut toolbar.Click the First Mtg and Second Mtg buttons to toggle between the primary andsecondary loans.Archiving loan filesIf you are finished with a file and want to archive it without completely removing it fromyour records, move it into its own archive folder. For example, you might want to create anarchive folder called Closed Loans.Rebuilding listsPoint maintains an internal list of loan files to make searches faster. During normal use thesystem stays up to date. However, Point cannot keep track of loan files that were movedor copied with external programs such as Windows Explorer. If you have moved or copiedRebuild List feature.Related information• For information about specifying search criteria for a file search, seeSearching for loan files, on page 75.• It is also possible to link to a first mortgage file from a secondmortgage file. Refer to Creating a new first mortgage with a new orexisting second, on page 280, for more information.Related informationTo create an archive folder, refer to Creating new data folders, onpage 466, for more information.RequirementIf you are running PDS, you must have local data folder access to use theRebuild Lists function.