2010 Portable SpaLTR20101001, Rev. BCleaning and Maintenancewww.calspas.com33Fast Sheen (Spa finish protecting wax)Cal Spas™ Fast Sheen is an essential part of maintainingyour spa’s finish. Through normal use, the spa’s finishcan accumulate dirt, oil, and calcium, causing a roughfeel and unsightly scum lines. CalSpas™ Fast Sheen is a non-oil basedwax that is specifically formulatedto protect the spa’s finish from thechemicals and minerals associatedwith normal spa use.The most effective solution to minimizecleaning time is prevention. When thefollowing steps are followed, the spa’sfinish will actually start to resist mostof the elements that cause calcium build-up and makescum line clean-up easier.Prior to Spa Start-Up and RefillingSpray Cal Spas™ Multi-Purpose Cleaner directly to1.the spa’s finish.Wipe clean with a soft cloth.2.Repeat on heavily calcified areas.3.Wipe spa thoroughly with a wet sponge, rinsing4.often in a bucket of clean water.Allow the spa to dry completely.5.Apply a coat of Cal Spas™ Fast Sheen to the spa’s6.entire finish with a soft cloth or sponge.Allow Fast Sheen to dry until white and powdery.7.Buff clean with a soft cloth, rotating frequently.8.IMPORTANT: Cal Spas™ Fast Sheen should not be usedon spas full of water. Only apply to clean, cool, drysurfaces. Incorrect product usage may cause waterclarity issues.Cleaning and Replacing theFilterFiltrationFiltration is one of the most important steps you cantake to ensure clean, clear water. Regardless of whatsome people may think, it is far less expensive tofix water clarity problems by filtering your spa thanby using excessive amounts of chemicals, excessivefiltration times, or by water replacement.Cal Spas™ filtration system draws contaminated waterthrough the exclusive Bio-Clean™ filter removingdebris from the water. It then pumps the newlycleaned water back into the spa through various jets.Spas equipped with the optional Quest 2000 Ozonatorwill also receive ozone injection into the filtered waterfor further protection against contaminants duringfiltration cycles. Filtration also ensures that chemicalsare mixed thoroughly through the water, increasingperformance.Filtration starts on electronically controlled spas assoon as the pumps are primed and water flow issteady. As the flow of water goes through the filter, dirtand debris is removed and accumulated in the filtercartridge. As the filter cartridge accumulates dirt anddebris, water flow is restricted and jet performance isreduced. This can cause your spa to not run or heateffectively.Clean your filter regularly and replace as needed.Filter CleaningYour new Cal Spa has been designed for quick andeasy filter maintenance. The filter cartridge should becleaned once a week. These instructions apply to bothdual and single filtration systems.Turn the power off at the breaker.1.Remove the filter by turning it counterclockwise2.and unscrewing the bottom threads. Then pull itup and out.Clean the filter with a garden hose as follows:3.Hold the filter vertically.a.Spray the filter cartridges with a pressureb.nozzle, starting from the top and sprayingdown each pleat.Turn the filter cartridge over and repeat Stepc.3b.Deep clean filter cartridge every month. Used.only a Cal Spas™-approved filter-cleaningchemical.Exclusive Bio-Clean™ Filter CartridgeThe filter cartridge is designed to remove dirt, sand,minerals, phosphates, bather waste and other solidsfrom the spa. Unfortunately, some spa owners failto include filter cleaning as part of their chemicalmaintenance plan. Filters accumulate debris andbecome prime areas for bacteria growth.The Cal Spas™ exclusive Bio-Clean™ Filter is theonly antibacterial filter cartridge on the market today.Having a filter cartridge that prevents bacteria growthis added protection for those times you forget to cleanthe filter. We recommend that you only replace yourspa’s filter cartridge with a Bio-Clean™ filter cartridgefor ensured protection and peace of mind.