2010 Portable SpaLTR20101001, Rev. BOperating Your Spawww.calspas.com20Diverter KnobsDiverter knobs arethe larger knobslocated aroundthe top of yourspa. They allowyou to divert waterthrough jets fromone side of the spato the other, or inmost cases fromfloor jets to walljets. This is accomplished by rotating the diverterknob to the left (counterclockwise), decreasing theamount of water flow through a section of jets.To increase the amount of water flow through theother section of jets, rotate the handle to the right(clockwise).Air VenturisAir venturis are thesmaller knobs locatedaround the top of yourspa. They can alsobe distinguished fromdiverter knobs by thearrows and the words“OFF”, “ON” and “AIR”marked on them. Each one will let you add a mixtureof air with the jet pressure. This is accomplished byrotating the air venturi knob to the left (counter-clockwise) to increase the amount of airflow throughthe jets. To decrease the amount of airflow throughthe jets, rotate the handle to the right (clockwise).Adjustable Therapy System™Pump On/OffThis button allowsthe user to turn onand off the ATS™seat pump. Pressthis button once toturn the pump on.Once on, the greenLED light on thecontrol panel willilluminate, indicatingthat the system isoperational. To turn off the pump, press the “PUMPON/OFF” button a second time. Note: The pump mustbe on prior to operating any other features of thissystem.Pulse ModeThis button allows the user to turn the ATS™ massagecontrol on and off. Press the pulse button once to turnon the massage control. Once pressed, the orange LEDin position number 1 will light, indicating the numberone pulse mode. Each press of either the up or downbutton will move the orange LED up or down to thenext pulse mode.Note: Allow one second between each button press.Pressing the button quickly may cause improperoperation. To turn the pulse mode off and return tonormal pump operation, press the “PULSE MODE”button a second time.UpThis button allows the user to cycle up from onethrough seven massage modes one at a time. Eachmode offers a different pulsating massage. Somemodes are faster than others, so just cycle throughthem to find the massage you like best.DownThis button allows the user to cycle down through allseven massage modes, one at a time.Time Reset ModePulse mode will normally run for 15 minutes thenautomatically shut off. For another 15-minute session,press the “PUMP ON/OFF” button and the “PULSEMODE” button. A green LED will blink and the pumpwill run on high-speed mode as part of a 15-minutecool down period. After that, the pump will stop