Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367723) -2016 - CRC - 10/9/15Keys, Doors, and Windows 41Vehicle SecurityThis vehicle has theft-deterrentfeatures; however, they do not makethe vehicle impossible to steal.Vehicle Alarm SystemThis vehicle has an anti-theft alarmsystem.The indicator light, on theinstrument panel near thewindscreen, indicates the status ofthe system.Off : Alarm system is disarmed.On Solid : Vehicle is securedduring the delay to arm the system.Fast Flash : Vehicle is unsecured.A door, the bonnet, or the bootis open.Slow Flash : Alarm system isarmed.Arming the Alarm System1. Turn off the vehicle.2. Lock the vehicle in one ofthree ways:. Use the RKE transmitter.. Use the Keyless Accesssystem.. With a door open, press theinside Q.3. After 30 seconds the alarmsystem will arm, and theindicator light will begin toslowly flash indicating thealarm system is operating.Pressing Q on the RKEtransmitter a second time willbypass the 30-second delayand immediately arm the alarmsystem.The vehicle alarm system will notarm if the doors are locked withthe key.If the driver door is opened withoutfirst unlocking with the RKEtransmitter, the horn will chirp andthe lights will flash to indicatepre-alarm. If the vehicle is notstarted, or the door is not unlockedby pressing K on the RKEtransmitter during the 10-secondpre-alarm, the alarm will beactivated.The alarm will also be activated if apassenger door, the boot, or thebonnet is opened without firstdisarming the system. When thealarm is activated, the indicatorsflash and the horn sounds for about30 seconds. The alarm system willthen re-arm to monitor the nextunauthorised event.Disarming the Alarm SystemTo disarm the alarm system or turnoff the alarm if it has been activated:. Press K on the RKE transmitter.