Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367723) -2016 - CRC - 10/9/15Vehicle Care 315Vehicles with all-wheel drive cannotbe dolly towed.Appearance CareExterior CareLocksLocks are lubricated at the factory.Use a de-icing agent only whenabsolutely necessary, and have thelocks greased after using. SeeRecommended Fluids andLubricants 0 328.Washing the VehicleTo preserve the vehicle's finish,wash it often and out of directsunlight.CautionDo not use petroleum-based,acidic, or abrasive cleaningagents as they can damage thevehicle's paint, metal, or plasticparts. If damage occurs, it wouldnot be covered by the vehiclewarranty. Approved cleaningproducts can be obtained from(Continued)Caution (Continued)your dealer. Follow allmanufacturer directions regardingcorrect product usage, necessarysafety precautions, andappropriate disposal of anyvehicle care product.CautionAvoid using high-pressurewashers closer than 30 cm (12 in)to the surface of the vehicle. Useof power washers exceeding8,274 kPa (1,200 psi) can resultin damage or removal of paintand decals.The e symbol is on anyunderbonnet compartment electricalcentre that should not be powerwashed. This could cause damagethat would not be covered by thevehicle warranty.