Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367723) -2016 - CRC - 10/9/15Vehicle Care 289Summer TyresHigh Performance Summer TyresThis vehicle may come with 245/40R18 (front) and 275/35R18 (rear)high performance summer tyres.These tyres have a special treadand compound that are optimisedfor maximum dry and wet roadperformance. This special tread andcompound will have decreasedperformance in cold climates, andon ice and snow. It is recommendedthat winter tyres be installed on thevehicle if frequent driving attemperatures below approximately5 °C (40 °F) or on ice or snowcovered roads is expected. SeeWinter Tyres 0 287.CautionHigh performance summer tireshave rubber compounds that loseflexibility and may developsurface cracks in the tread areaat temperatures below -7 °C(20 °F). Always store high(Continued)Caution (Continued)performance summer tiresindoors and at temperaturesabove -7 °C (20 °F) when not inuse. If the tires have beensubjected to -7 °C (20 °F) or less,let them warm up in a heatedspace to at least 5 °C (40 °F) for24 hours or more before beinginstalled or driving a vehicle onwhich they are installed. Do notapply heat or blow heated airdirectly on the tyres. Alwaysinspect tyres before use. SeeTyre Inspection 0 295.Tyre PressureTyres need the correct amountof air pressure to operateeffectively.CautionNeither tyre underinflation noroverinflation is good.Underinflated tyres, or tyresthat do not have enough air,can result in:. Tyre overloading andoverheating which couldlead to a blowout.. Premature orirregular wear.. Poor handling.. Reduced fuel economy.Overinflated tyres, or tyresthat have too much air, canresult in:. Unusual wear.. Poor handling.. Rough ride.. Needless damage fromroad hazards.