Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367723) -2016 - CRC - 10/9/15Driving and Operating 249Weight of the Trailer TongueThe tongue load (1) of any trailer isan important weight to measurebecause it affects the total grossweight of the vehicle. The GrossVehicle Weight (GVW) includes thecurb weight of the vehicle, anycargo carried in it and the peoplewho will be riding in the vehicle.If there are a lot of options,equipment, passengers, or cargo inthe vehicle, it will reduce the tongueweight the vehicle can carry, whichwill also reduce the trailer weight thevehicle can tow. If towing a trailer,the nose weight must be added tothe GVW because the vehicle willbe carrying that weight, too. SeeVehicle Load Limits 0 190.The trailer tongue (1) should weigh4 percent of the total loaded trailerweight (2).After loading the trailer, weigh thetrailer and then the tongue,separately, to see if the weights areproper. If they are not, adjustmentsmight be made by moving someitems around in the trailer.Total Weight on Your Vehicle'sTyresBe sure the vehicle's tyres areinflated to the upper limit for coldtyres. These numbers can be foundon the Tyre and Loading Informationlabel. See Vehicle Load Limits0 190. Make sure not to go over theGVW limit for the vehicle, includingthe weight of the trailer tongue.Trailer Towing (SaloonV6 and V-Series)The vehicle is neither designed norintended to tow a trailer.Towing Equipment(Sedan With L4 Engine)HitchesUse the correct hitch equipment.See your dealer or a hitch dealer forassistance.. The rear bumper on the vehicleis not intended for hitches. Donot attach rental hitches or otherbumper-type hitches to it. Useonly a frame-mounted hitch thatdoes not attach to the bumper.