Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367723) -2016 - CRC - 10/9/15Driving and Operating 215based on the mode selected, trackconditions, driver skill, and theradius of each corner.This light is on when the vehicle isin the PTM mode.To select this optional handlingmode, the vehicle mode must beTrack. Then quickly press the TCS/StabiliTrak Y button on the centreconsole two times. PERF TRAC 1 -WET ACTIVE HANDLING ONdisplays in the DIC.When PTM is active, the up anddown buttons will no longer changeDrive Modes, but instead changePTM modes.To select a mode while in PTM,press the Driver Mode Control/PTMbuttons on the centre console.To experience the performancebenefit of this system, after enteringa bend and at the point wherenormal acceleration occurs, fullypush the accelerator pedal. ThePTM system will modify the level ofengine power for a smooth andconsistent corner exit.The PTM system contains fivemodes. These modes are selectedby pressing the Driver ModeControl/PTM buttons on the centreconsole. Scroll up or down throughmodes 1–5 by pressing the MODESELECT up and down buttons Thefollowing is a DIC displaydescription and the recommendedusage of each mode:PERF TRAC 1 - WET ACTIVEHANDLING ON. Intended for all driver skill levels.. Wet or damp conditions only -not intended for use in heavyrain or standing water.. StabiliTrak is on and enginepower is reduced based onconditions.PERF TRAC 2 – DRY ACTIVEHANDLING ON. For use by less experienceddrivers or while learning a newtrack.. Dry conditions only.. StabiliTrak is on and enginepower is slightly reduced.PERF TRAC 3 – SPORTACTIVE HANDLING ON. For use by drivers who arefamiliar with the track.. Dry conditions only.. Requires more driving skill thanmode 2.. StabiliTrak is on and moreengine power is available than inmode 2.PERF TRAC 4 – SPORTACTIVE HANDLING OFF. For use by drivers who arefamiliar with the track.. Dry conditions only.. Requires more driving skill thanmodes 2 or 3.